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We have 354 places to visit in Slovenia.

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Sempeter pri Gorici
Šempeter pri Gorici is a town and the administrative centre of the Municipality of Šempeter - Vrtojba in the Slovene Littoral region of Slovenia.
Šenčur is a settlement in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia.
Senožeče is a settlement in the Municipality of Divača in the Littoral region of Slovenia.
Šentjanž is a village in the Municipality of Sevnica in east - central Slovenia.
Sentjanz pri Dravogradu
Šentjanž pri Dravogradu is a settlement on the left bank of the Mislinja River south of Dravograd in northern Slovenia, in the traditional region of Styria.
Šentjur is a town in eastern Slovenia.
Šentrupert is a village in the traditional Lower Carniola region in southeastern Slovenia.
Šepulje is a village next to Križ in the Municipality of Sežana in the Littoral region of Slovenia.
Ševlje is a village in the Municipality of Škofja Loka in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia.
The Municipality of Sevnica is a municipality along the Sava and the Mirna Rivers in southeastern Slovenia.

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