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We have 354 places to visit in Slovenia.

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Velika Polana
Velika Polana is a town and a municipality in Slovenia.
Veliki Otok
Veliki Otok is a village north of Postojna in the Inner Carniola region of Slovenia.
Veliko Ubeljsko
Veliko Ubeljsko is a village in the southeastern foothills of the Nanos Plateau in the Municipality of Postojna in the Inner Carniola region of Slovenia.
Veržej is a settlement and a small municipality in northeastern Slovenia.
Vinharje is a settlement in the hills south of Poljane nad Škofjo Loko in the Municipality of Gorenja Vas - Poljane in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia.
Vinica is a village on the left bank of the Kolpa River in the Municipality of Črnomelj in the White Carniola area of southeastern Slovenia, right on the border with Croatia.
Vipava is a town in western Slovenia.
Vipolže is a scattered village in the lower Municipality of Brda in the Littoral region of Slovenia on the border with Italy.
Visoko Pri Poljanah
Visoko pri Poljanah is a settlement in the Municipality of Škofja Loka in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia.

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